Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Nearly three years ago I began this blog with these words:
       "From one moment to the next, the journey is altered. From the expected path to the sudden detour, from the smooth flow of everyday living to the jagged upheaval of a life interrupted, from the easy assumption of the future to the hard reality of morality, we have had our steps diverted into a path unknown, a path unsought, a path unwelcome.  But, a path know to our God, allowed through His loving hands, and therefore to be accepted and used to His glory.

The journey is coming to an end soon.

I have written of finding joy

of choosing to live each day as a treasure...

    I have written of the anchor that sustains us...

of learning to walk without fainting..

but as we are on this last mile, I have few words.

We have walked this journey together, Bob and I,
                 with laughter and tears,
                             with prayers and songs,
                               with thanksgiving for the many blessings along the way


         and we have enjoyed so many adventures over this past nearly three years while living with a diagnosis of terminal cancer.


but this last mile we are each on our own parallel journey and we cannot go together.

Our paths are diverging, as he is doing the hard work of leaving this temporary dwelling to enter his forever home, and I can only observe and comfort, but I must walk a different path, a path I can't even begin to process and put into words.

So today, I have no poetic thoughts to share, no carefully crafted word pictures, no metaphors or similes or clever phrases. But I have this truth, this truth that holds me when I cannot hold on....
God has been and God is and God will be FAITHFUL to us as we face this last and very hard and very lonely part of this journey.

When I have no strength for what must be done, He is my strength.
When I can't see clearly the path ahead, He is my light.
When my world feels shaken, He is my rock.
When I feel afraid, He is my hiding place.
When I feel alone, He is my comforter and my companion.
When I look back on this road we've traveled, the shining banner over all of it proclaims,

Thank you, my dear, dear friends for your prayers for us on this journey. Heaven is very near for Bob, and we rest in your continued prayers and love as we lean into our Father's faithfulness.

"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed , for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:21-23

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